Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PowerPoint Presentation Project Reflection

The lesson presented in the PowerPoint presentation is a model for reading multisyllabic words. This lesson allows multiple opportunities for students to participate and practice of synthesizing and analyzing words that contain more than one syllable. This lesson focuses on two syllable words with a consonant -le syllable. This lesson focuses one type of syllable but can be applied to many other contexts.
The basic features I used in powerpoint were an already made background template. I also used a variety of two-dimensinal and three-deminsinal transitions between the slides. I used a combination of clipart and google images throughout the presentation. I used the entrance effect to incorporate custom animation into two of my slides. My hyperlinks were to a site that offers suggestions for differentiated instruction and for a site related to the Connecticut state content standards. I also used a variety of slide layouts that I felt best fit the content of each particular slide. Lastly, I added word art to one of my slides.
I used several of the challenge features throughout the presentation. I added a table to one of my slides. The table was a useful tool to help in explain how the teacher could set up the lesson. I also added SmartArt to show the breakdown of the lesson.
I have never really used PowerPoint on a Mac before, I have only used PowerPoint in windows. I learned how to navigate PowerPoint using the Mac software.
A lesson can be enhanced through PowerPoint by the use of visuals. The table feature of PowerPoint was very useful for this particular lesson.

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